
We use Klarna's payment services with the following payment methods:

Klarna Pay Later

  • Pay by invoice when it suits you
  • 30 days, monthly invoice, or pay within x days

Klarna Pay Now

  • Quick and easy direct payment
  • Card payment, bank transfer

Klarna Slice It

  • Up to 36 months installment payment
  • Pay every month, pay when you want

Read more about the terms of Klarna's payment services.

  • Our payments go through Klarna’s payment solution, which handles invoicing, credit checks and other things related to your order. If you have a problem with your payment or invoice via Klarna, please contact Klarna directly:

    Sweden tel. 08–120 120 10

  • To use your gift card as a payment method, please enter the code for your gift card in the box for value codes at checkout.