Second-class lamps – up to 70%

The products under the category "Almost New" are classified as second-class goods. Individual products marked with "Almost New" are also second-class goods unless otherwise stated. "Almost New" means that the product has small beauty defects, damaged carton or other defects that can be expected from second-class goods. Each product states the defects of the product. Goods are never sold with electrical faults but only defects mentioned above. Beauty defects, damaged carton or other defects that can be expected from second-class goods - can not be complained about afterwards.

The product images on the website do not guarantee that the product's exact appearance and condition are reproduced.

  • Apart from the specified cosmetic defects, a lamp from Almost New carries the same guarantees as a new lamp!

  • No, we never sell an item with an electrical fault.

  • Each product is labeled with its expected condition. In most cases, the carton is damaged, and the product may have a small scratch.

  • Purchasing an Almost New product grants you a 14-day right of withdrawal, allowing you to return it if unsatisfied. Simply follow the return process to initiate a refund.

  • All lamps undergo a thorough condition check upon arrival. Those not meeting the criteria for new condition are offered as Almost New, providing you an opportunity to purchase quality products at a discounted rate.